Artist Statement
My artistic style combines both that of the happenstance of a found object and that of a studied gesture. With collage, I sit down in front of a blank canvas and begin by placing scrap pieces of paper, or plastic and paper bags. I look to find the structure and beauty when they are layered or sitting next to each other. With drawing, I approach the sheet with a series of strokes that establish a compositional framework that I continue to refine with color and line. The process of making a piece is linear and begins without a prescribed destination in mind. The process defines the final work and the best work shows the process with which it was made. Often, the initial gestures are long forgotten in the final piece. I’m never certain of the outcome only that I am willing to trust the process and watch the piece evolve.
To quote Larry Halprin, “I draw for the same reason I breathe. I have to do it to stay alive.”